Aging is Real: Here’s How to Start Living Again

Aging realities and what to do about it to help improve your quality of life

Danwil Reyes
7 min readAug 30, 2022
Photo by Esther Ann on Unsplash

In this article, you’ll learn about how aging is real, what you can do about it, and how starting living again can help improve your quality of life.

No one should have to live a life in fear of old age. But for some, it’s all they can think about. As we age, our physical and mental abilities begin to decline. Therefore, it’s important that we start living again, and not just linger in the past.

What is Aging?

Aging is the process by which cells in our body stop dividing and producing new blood. This means that over time, we lose muscle, bone, skin, and hair. In addition, our nerve cells die and we lose our memories.

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But first,

What are the Advantages of Being Older or Having Old Age?

There are many advantages to being older in age. One advantage is that you have more life experience and can share your wisdom with others. You’ve also had time to build up a network of friends and family who can support you. And, as you’ve gotten older, you’ve likely become more financially stable.

Another advantage of being older is that you tend to be more patient and level-headed. You know that things take time and that rushing into decisions is often not the best idea. You’re also likely to be more accepting of people and their quirks — after all, you’ve learned that everyone has their own way of doing things.

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Finally, being older usually means having a better sense of yourself. You know what you like and don’t like, what makes you happy and what doesn’t.

Now let’s get back to…

What are the Disadvantages of Aging?

Poor physical health will come sooner or later as we age. Older people are likely to develop chronic problems and diseases such as obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, decreased hearing and vision, harder childbirth, increased risk for developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

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What are the challenges of Aging?

There are many challenges associated with aging, including increasing costs associated with healthcare expenses and medications, lost opportunities due to retirement or death, changes in family composition which can affect social activities and relationships, difficulty managing emotions and stress.

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Other challenges for older people are:

Difficulty adapting to a changing world — aging individuals often face difficulties communicating effectively with others, losing their cultural values and expectations; poorer mental health outcomes in those age 65 years and over.

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How to Start Living Again.

The first step in starting to live again is to understand that aging is real. While there are ways to fight against the effects of aging, it’s best to start living a longer life as soon as possible.

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Some ways you can start living a longer life include plenty of restful sleep and rest, relaxation techniques, and yes, avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol so that you can enjoy your senior life rather than spend it feeling so stressed out.

Start Living a Better Life

One way to start living better is by improving your quality of life. This means making small changes that can have big impacts on your happiness and well-being. For example, try changing your lifestyle habits, such as eating healthier foods, getting enough sleep, and spending time outdoors.

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You also may want to consider using meditation or mindfulness practices to reduce stress and improve your mood.

Get a Grip on the Aging Process

In order to help the aging process go more smoothly, it’s important to get ahead of it by understanding what’s happening in your body and mind when you reach old age.

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This includes learning about how Alzheimer’s disease affects memory, dementia, and other cognitive skills; understanding how surgery affects aging; and trying new methods of care for elderly patients, such as home health aides or assisted living facilities.

Make a Change in Your Life and Age

One way to make a change in your life and age is by starting to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. You can also try investing in some sort of “self-care” plan that will help you live a happier life as you get older.

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Start living like an older person by following these tips:

  • Get plenty of rest: Have many in-between breaks during the day so you’ll feel rested and refreshed all day, which will lead to a better day overall.
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  • Eat healthy: Eating healthy foods will help your body function properly and age more evenly. Choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds instead of processed foods that are high in sugar or unhealthy additives.
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  • Exercise regularly: exercise is one of the best ways to start living again because it can improve your mood, reduce tension levels, and promote better circulation. You don’t need to go all out when trying to start living again — just enough exercise is key! Try going for at least 30 minutes each day on average — even if that’s down from your current routine.
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Drifted off or feeling lost during lovemaking (sex)?

Here are some tips on how to get back up and continue having great sex:

  • Start by communicating with your partner. Try talking about what feels good and not just doing what you think is right. This can help ensure that you both are satisfying your needs in the bedroom and overall.
  • Check to see if your partner is getting an erection. If he’s not, start by trying different positions or techniques. If your partner still isn’t getting an erection, it may be time to consult a sexual therapist or a medical doctor.
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If there are any feelings of anxiety or sadness around sexual activity with your love partner, try focusing on positive thoughts instead. Dwelling on negative thoughts will only add to the stress and anxiety that you’re already feeling.

Instead, focus on enjoying the physical sensations your partner provides and communicate clearly in making sure that everything is okay for both of you.

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  • Get a good night’s sleep: Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health and growth in old age. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep at night, so you won’t feel tired during the day and will have enough energy for activities of daily living like cooking, cleaning, and shopping!


Aging is a reality for all of us, but it’s time to start living again and get a grip on the aging process. By starting with these tips, you can make a big change in your life and age. I hope this article will help you through the complexities of the aging process so that you can live a longer and happier and healthier life.

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Danwil Reyes

Silver and gold have I none, but I'll give you what I have: the power of true love and real truth from things above! May you have heavenly peace and blessings.