Elon Musk Wants Me To Win His Tesla, BTC and ETH Giveaway!
Elon Musk is giving away Tesla, BTC and ETH to a Medium user like me
While I was checking the comments in one of my Medium posts, I noticed the name of Elon Musk left me with a message that says:
“Tesla Giveaway, BTC & ETH for every Medium user! Take part in our airdrop at https://tinyurl.com/2aasyxlo."
I’m not really sure if it’s legit or not, but I’d like to ask the Medium community if you also received this message from Elon Musk?
If you did not, then I guess I was lucky, and I also felt honored to have received it, but I want to share it with all the Medium users out there anyway, especially to my Medium followers and supporters whom I consider my friends on the platform, so they’ll also have the chance to win any or all the prizes mentioned.
Do I really need to share this post? For me, it’s a yes, because this is who I am. I like to share my blessing with others. I believe sharing good things is caring.
If you liked this post, kindly share it with other Medium users, so they’ll also have a chance to win. Good luck to all! And congrats to the would be winners.
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