How to Create Your First eBook as a New Author

A guide for beginner author or writer in writing their first eBook

Danwil Reyes
3 min readFeb 3, 2021

If you ever thought how to create your first eBook as a new or beginning author or writer, then this post is for you. Click here to create your eBook.

Creating an eBook can be a boring process. It’s quite possible you write an eBook and may never end it. In order to overcome such a situation, it’s quite important that you make a strict schedule for yourself to write.

One of the best ways to complete an eBook is to just go on writing without having to wonder what the next sentence would actually be.

Here are key points you must consider at the time of writing your eBook:

  • Decide an appealing title for your eBook

It’s very important to have an effective headline for your eBook. Effective title attracts people by creating a curiosity in them to read. A title should be such that it helps your readers to find an answer to questions.

  • Use an appealing eBook cover

The eBook cover is very important, as it’s the first thing the readers are noticing with eBooks. Use a correct size and an applicable or relatable image.

  • Choose your audience

It’s very important that you choose your audience before actually writing your eBook. Decide which type of audience will benefit from your subject. Take into consideration different factors like age, sex, culture, social background and education of the audience you want to attract.

  • Creating the document

Once you are done with the foundation of your eBook, you can start writing the main body of your eBook. One of the best options to maintain your document is to write in MS Word.

Writing in MS Word can help you revise your document as and when you need it. You can also keep a check on any spelling errors in the process.

  • Choose a font size that can be easy to read for people of all age groups

Avoid using too many fonts as this may irritate your readers. Nobody wants to read an eBook that’s hard on the eyes.

  • Create your eBook

Click here to learn a fast and easy way to create an eBook. I may receive a commission for referring the software without any additional cost to you.

And the last, once you are done, all you have to do is to publish your eBook online, and wait for download request from your website visitors.

How to create your first eBook as a new author is not that hard if you have the correct plan and discipline, and follow these easy and concise steps I just laid out to you. Believe it, you’ll be an eBook author or writer in no time!

Thank you for reading. I hope this helps. If you liked this, share it with your family and friends and on social media. Also check out my other posts and follow me on Medium. Until next time. Take care of yourself and each other.



Danwil Reyes

Silver and gold have I none, but I'll give you what I have: the power of true love and real truth from things above! May you have heavenly peace and blessings.