Pray for Peace in Israel, and You’ll be Blessed

May they prosper who pray for peace in Israel and love Yahweh

Danwil Reyes
4 min readOct 9, 2023
Photo by Anton Mislawsky on Unsplash

Pray for peace in Israel, and you’ll be blessed. In Psalm 122:6 in the Bible it says, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they all prosper who love you.”

Welcome to my blog, and I have very important messages that I would like to share with everyone. As many of you are likely aware, the situation in Israel has been increasingly chaotic and deadly in the past 2 days. Violence and conflict continue to flare up in Gaza as Israel’s enemies attack civilians.

In today’s blog post, I want to look at Israel from a biblical perspective and see why any chaos in this Jewish country will ultimately affect the world.

Israel holds a special place in the world because it is the only democratic and Christian country in the Middle East. Its significance goes beyond the region and can be traced back to the Bible.

Let’s start with the importance of Israel in the Bible. One can trace Israel’s significance to the Old Testament where it was “God’s” (Yahweh’s) chosen nation. In Deuteronomy 7:6–9, Yahweh describes Israel as a holy nation, a people for His own possession. Later on, in 2 Chronicles 6:5–6, Yahweh tells King Solomon that Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is the place where He has chosen to put His name forever.

Yes, the passages I mentioned above are just a few examples of why Israel is so important to Almighty Yahweh, our heavenly Father, as depicted in the Bible.

Now, let’s talk about how Israel being the only democratic and Christian country in the Middle East has led to its impact on the world. It is no secret that the Middle East is known for its political instability, and Israel being a democratic state in the midst of it all is a shining light in the region.

Democracy allows for the rights of individuals to be upheld, and Israel is a great example of this. It is a place where people can come and exercise their religious beliefs freely, a luxury that is not afforded to many other countries in the Middle East.

In addition, Israel being a Christian country is significant because it means that one of the world’s oldest religions has a home in the Middle East. Christianity has its roots in the region, and Israel being a Christian state means that the religion can be practiced freely and without persecution.

Israel being a Christian country also means that it has a connection to the rest of the Christian world, which impacts the world beyond the Middle East.

I want to wrap this up by discussing how any chaos in Israel will impact the world. The Bible talks about Israel being a central pillar in the world, and any disturbance to it will ultimately affect the whole world — all of us!

In Genesis 12:3, Yahweh tells Abraham that He will bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him. This promise extends to Israel, and any nation that seeks to harm Israel will ultimately face the consequences.

Overall, Israel’s significance to all nations and people goes far beyond the Middle East, and any disturbance to it will, yes, affect the rest of the world. Its democracy and Judeo-Christian faith make it a stronghold in the region, and it is a place where people can exercise their rights freely.

May this blog post give you insights into why Israel is so important and how it impacts the world beyond its borders. Always remember to look at Israel from a biblical perspective and see the role it plays in the world.

I’m Jewish, and I feel the pain, the tears, and the mourning in Israel. I hope for all the senseless killings to stop. I pray for the thousands of innocent civilians who lost their lives in these sneaky and well-coordinated attacks.

And yes, these cowardly attacks by Israel’s enemies were done during the high holy day festivities of the Feast of Tabernacles, also known as Sukkot. Read below to learn more about this true appointed sacred day in the Bible.

Leave your comment and let me and the community know your thoughts. Kindly pray for peace in Israel, and you’ll be blessed by Almighty Yahweh.

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Danwil Reyes
Danwil Reyes

Written by Danwil Reyes

Silver and gold have I none, but I'll give you what I have: the power of true love and real truth from things above! May you have heavenly peace and blessings.

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