Why Beauty and Riches are not Good Investments
Your physical beauty and material wealth will not ultimately save you
Welcome to my blog. Today, I’ll be talking about why beauty and riches are not good investments in light of eternity. Yes, I’m talking life lessons about the infinite realm, the one that is everlasting and will not fade away or die.
I will share with you how to find true happiness with the Almighty “God” (Yahweh) in heaven and not through physical beauty and material things.
Yes, it’s become almost cliché to hear people say that money can’t buy happiness, but it’s a truth that is often overlooked in our society. We are constantly bombarded with ads, social media, and societal expectations that compel us to constantly seek more, and we often end up feeling empty and unfulfilled despite all the material goods we accumulate in our lives.
But what if we shifted our focus from the superficial to the eternal? What if we pursued a deeper kind of happiness that cannot be found in material things? The good news is that such happiness is possible, and it begins with Yahweh.
As humans, we are wired for more than just temporary pleasures and thrills. We are made for a deeper meaning and purpose, for something that transcends the superficial and fleeting. And that’s where Yahweh comes in. Only “God” (Elohim) can truly fill the void in our lives and bring us the lasting happiness we crave.
When we turn to Elohim, we can find real joy and true peace that can’t be bought or sold. The holy Bible tell us in Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of Yahweh, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in ‘Jesus’ (Yahshua).” What a beautiful promise that is! When we turn away from the distractions of the world and focus our hearts on Him, we can experience a joy and peace that surpasses our understanding.
Unfortunately, many of us are so preoccupied with accumulating material things that we forget what really matters in life. We can become trapped in a cycle of consumerism, always wanting more, needing more, and never feeling satisfied. This is where we need to take a step back and refocus our minds on what is truly important.
Yahshua reminds us in Matthew 6:19–20, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.” He goes on to say in verse 21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” In other words, if we are focused only on physical beauty and the material things of this world, our hearts won’t be fully focused on Elohim.
I’m not saying that beauty and wealth are bad, but the biblical verses above are clear that we must focus on the heavenly things, not the earthly things!
So if you’re feeling unfulfilled despite all your material possessions, it’s time to make a change. Take a step back and seek Elohim’s presence. Spend time in prayer and meditation, and focus on His Word. Seek out the many opportunities to serve others, which will bring you joy and satisfaction that extends beyond temporary pleasures. Find ways to pursue your passions and talents in ways that honor Almighty Yahweh and bring glory to Him.
When we come into this world, we bring nothing with us, and when it’s time to leave, we cannot take our physical beauty or material wealth with us. Everything we accumulate in this life will eventually pass away, but our relationship with Yahweh, the Father in the heavens will never fade away.
We must remember that our time on earth is fleeting, and our physical bodies will eventually deteriorate. No amount of material possessions or beauty products can ultimately keep us from aging or prevent us from facing the reality of death.
However, what we can take with us is the love, kindness, and generosity that we have shown towards others. Our legacy is not in our physical appearance or bank account balance, but in how we have impacted those around us.
When we prioritize our relationship with Yahweh and seek to love and serve others, we leave a lasting impact that transcends our temporary existence on this earth. We become a vessel of Elohim’s love and purpose, spreading joy and hope to those we encounter.
Overall, true happiness cannot be found in the things of this world. It can only be found in a deep and abiding relationship with Yahweh. So let us turn our hearts and minds to Him and find the fulfilling happiness we crave.
Therefore, let us not be distracted by the pursuit of physical beauty or material wealth. Beauty and riches are not good investments, as they are temporary! Instead, let us prioritize our relationship with Elohim and make a meaningful impact in the world. When we invest in eternal things, we will find true fulfillment and satisfaction beyond anything this world can offer.
So yes, in the end, I have said it and I will say it again — it won’t matter how much wealth we have amassed or how beautiful we appear to others. What will truly matter is how we have loved and served others and how we have cultivated a meaningful relationship with the Creator, Yahweh, our Elohim.
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